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Cartagena, Roman City

Every day
Times will depend on the guide's availability
Muralla Púnica
Min. 2 hours
Min. 2 people
Max. 29 people


Muralla Púnica, calle San Diego, Casa de la Fortuna, plaza San Francisco, walk around the Molinete hill and the site of the Roman Forum, Decumano Máximo, plaza San Sebastián, Calle Mayor, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Museo del Romano

Roman City

Sweat, blood and a great battle for control of one of the most important cities in the Mediterranean during the third century BC, when Carthaginians and Romans squared off in New Carthage in a massive battle setting off the Second Punic War, in which there could only be one winner. Come and discover the place where Hasdrubal the Fair founded and built the Carthaginian capital and strategic headquarters, from where Hannibal departed to conquer Rome, and which gave many victories to the Roman legions of the great Roman General Scipio.

Today's Cartagena is proud of its past, a place where both Carthaginians and Romans left their marks, making the city one of the most important in Europe for its archaeological sites.

We invite you to discover its streets, its history, and these sites on a tour that includes a visit to the Punic Wall Interpretation Center and the stunning Roman Theater, one of the most important in our country and a unique example of historic restoration work, honored with major prizes. Let yourself be guided, and you'll want to come back!

Admission to the Punic Wall, Roman Theater and Casa de la Fortuna archeological site. Admission to the Casa de la Fortuna, Punic Wall and Theater is ¤10 for groups, the unemployed, pensioners, students and families. The general price is ¤13.

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Bono Turístico