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Espuroad. South Route

Espuroad. South Route

Asphalt route. You can stop at different places of natural, cultural and patrimonial interest to discover the park's beauty. It also has viewpoints from which you can appreciate the beauty of Sierra Espuña..


El Berro - Cuestas del Marqués - Alhama de Murcia - Humedal del Río Guadalentín - Totana - La Bastida - Santa Eulalia - Aledo - La Algualeja - Las Alquerías - Collado Bermejo - Fuente del Hilo - Huerta Espuña - El Berro


Starting point: El Berro at 622 metres' altitude.
End point: The same, circular route.
By car, motorbike or road bike
Distance: 81.73 km.
Cumulative elevation gain: 1629 m.
Time: 2:30 horas by car, 4:15 horas by road bike (add more time for the visits).
Difficulty: Average by road bike.
Mapping: Sheets 933-III for Alhama de Murcia, 933-I for Pliego and 912-III for Mula, scale 1:25.000, from the National Geographic Institute (I.G.N.)

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