Holy Week Lorca

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Holy Week Lorca

From March 24 to March 31

Declared of International Tourist Interest

There is no other Holy Week as the Holy Week in Lorca. Its originality lies in the spectacular nature of its great biblical and passionate processions; the chariot races and the outstanding embroideries made of gold and silk which decorate banners and capes.

In Lorca there are two main groups: "Blancos" (whites) and "Azules" (blues), colours which identify the main brotherhoods of the city. Devotion is evidenced by "salves" (Marian hymns) and "serenatas" (serenades). Enthusiasm is shared in this city, Lorca, where nobody is a foreigner.


> http://semanasantalorca.com pdf


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The most picturesque processions are at the same time the best known. These are Maundy Thursday and Good Friday of "Cortejo Histórico Bíblico" (Historical and Biblical Parade).

You will be able to enjoy them during the Friday before Palm Sunday and on Palm Sunday, in the "Carrera", located in the Av. Juan Carlos I, after having booked your seat.

The procession of greatest liturgical devotion is the Silence one, which is on Maundy Thursday at night in the Barrio de San Cristobal.


Thrones and statues of the main brotherhoods (Paso Blanco and Paso Azul) are carried on the shoulders of "mayordomos portapasos" (people who carry the thrones). In general, Nazarenes are not barefoot and do not give sweets. Their embroideries in silk and gold are, from November 2014, official candidates to become "Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad" (Intangible Cultural Heritage).

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