most remarkable procession is Good Friday procession, the one of "Los Salzillos" (the works of sculptor Salzillo), in which four thousand Nazarenes take part among penitents, "mayordomos" (members of brotherhoods), "estantes" (Murcian Nazarenes dressed in a particular way), promises and horns sections, who are dressed in a purple robe and carry real pieces of art made by the Murcian sculptor Francisco Salzillo Alcaraz in the 18th century.
The one of
greatest devotion is the Procesión del Silencio (Procession of Silence) on Maundy Thursday, which starts in the Church of San Lorenzo and covers its route with the street lightening off and gathered by the astonishing silence of Nazarenes and spectators. A silence which is only interrupted by the singing of choirs or choral societies, the singing of the "Aurora" (a chant sung at dawn), saetas and "tuna" (student music groups), in honour of the Crucified.
Another procession of great devotion is the procession of Our Father Jesús of Rescate (Rescue), on Good Tuesday. The main traits of retinue are sobriety and austerity. With a penitential style, it highlights strict order and silence of Nazarenes and the lack of sweets and other objects during the processional route.
the most picturesque and popular procession is Los Coloraos, on Good Wednesday. With more than three thousand Nazarenes, a special feature of this procession is having a large number of children who head the retinue. It is characterised by sweets and presents giving, as well as tender broad beans and other products which inform against the link between the "huertanos" (people from this Region) and Archconfraternity of the "Preciosísima Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo".
From Nazarenes' paunches come out all sort of presents, from fresh broad beans to sweets, from sweet buns to hard boiled eggs and holy cards. Famous "pastillas" (a type of Murcian sweets) are also traditional, and details like brooches, pins and other trinkets.
Thrones are carried on shoulders and some penitents go barefoot and carry crosses.
The "carros bocina" (horns carried with wheels) of Toque de la Burla, on Good Wednesday and Friday.
Don't forget to carry a bag to keep all presents.
A typical sweet of these days is the "Mona de Pascua" (Easter cakes with a hard boiled egg). And a snack, tender broad beans, though there are Nazarenes who even give out "pulguitas" (little filled crusty sandwiches) and dry sausages.