Molina de Segura lies about 10 km from the regional capital on the left bank of the river Segura. The main trunk road N-301 also runs through the town, making Molina an important transport hub, subsequently attracting important industries to set up in the area. In terms of urban, economic, and population growth, Molina has expanded remarkably since 1960.Its population of 57.000 makes it the region's fourth largest town the District of Molina itself presents a varied picture, the northern part being mainly rugged upland with the Sierras of Lugar, La Espada, and La Pila , while the southern part consists mainly of flatter countryside as one approaches the banks of the Segura, whic, despite its rather modest girth, is still the regions main watercourse. surprisingly, though, there are a number of wetlands as well as the dry gullies that stand out for their wealth of flora and fauna, two examples of note being the protected areas of Humedal de Ajauque and Rambla Salada, both of which belong partly to the district.
Si visitas Molina de Segura, podrás adentrarte en el pasado medieval de la ciudad admirando las salas del MUDEM, Museo del Enclave de la Muralla, un recorrido por la historia de una típica fortificación andalusí donde la Historia se convierte en protagonista. Podrás continuar tu "Ruta Molina Medieval" por la Oficina de Turismo, donde se conserva un lienzo de la muralla (siglos XI-XIII) y continuar hacia la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, del siglo XVIII y declarada BIC en 1983. A continuación puedes visitar el Museo del Horno del Concejo + Casa del Folclore, singular ejemplo de arquitectura popular de los siglos XVII-XVIII. En este Barrio del Castillo, todas las callejas y placetas que abrigaron la vida medieval, conducen hasta el Mirador del Castillo , emplazamiento donde se han hallado restos de la antigua Alcazaba y lugar privilegiado para una vista panorámica de la Huerta, la Vega Media y el horizonte de varios municipios y sierras de la Región.FESTIVITIES
La Semana Santa molinense ha recuperado su antiguo esplendor tras su desaparición en el período 1964-1986. El miércoles santo se celebra el Vía Crucis viviente en la pedanía de Torrealta, de inigualable belleza.Las Fiestas Patronales se inician el primer sábado de septiembre con una tradicional Romería, cuyo origen se remonta al siglo XVIII, en que la Virgen de la Consolación, patrona de la localidad, es trasladada desde su ermita a la Iglesia Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción.
La especial iluminación de las calles es una de las características de las Fiestas Navideñas, durante las cuales se realizan conciertos y actividades infantiles, además de instalarse un Belén Municipal. Las fiestas finalizan con la Cabalgata de Reyes Magos el 5 de enero.
Un municipio que vuelve a mirar de frente a su naturaleza, que descubre una tierra amable y acogedora, tesoros naturales, ritos y tradiciones, voces y miradas que abrazan al visitante, se conectan a él y caminan por la "Ruta Entre Sierras" en la zona norte del municipio. Aquí se pueden recorrer tres senderos ecoturísticos señalizados. Próximo a estos senderos encontramos el Centro La Albarda. Ritos y tradiciones del Campo de Molina donde se muestran las formas de vida y creencias ancestrales que dibujan la herencia de la cultura popular en estas tierras del Campo de Molina. Un poco más al sur, conservación y naturaleza se dan la mano en las Lagunas de Campotéjar, el hogar del ave migratoria Malvasía cabeciblanca;Download the Multimedia Guide of the Camino de Levante

Top 10
Molina de Segura, surrounded by mountains, is located on the left bank of the Segura River. This destination will surprise you not only by its industrial shapes and its extraordinary landscapes but also by all the fascinating adventures on offer.
This tour through the historical centre of Molina gives you the opportunity to discover 8 centuries of culture in less than two hours and a half. As you walk, you will be able to imagine how citizens lived during the Middle Ages. El Cid Campeador, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, passed by this part of the city, where the King Alphonse VI exiled him for the second time. The citadel on the top of the hill and the remains of the wall that protected the population will take you back to our most epic past.
We can't assure you that by snapping your fingers while taking the chimneys tour, everything will return to normal; nor that if you open your umbrella, you'll blow away to dance and jump on the chimneys of the city. However you will certainly travel back in time to the powerful industrial past of Molina. This journey will take you from square to square and from garden to garden to the ancient factories of the municipality. Currently, they are restored as leisure and cultural spaces guarded by showy contemporary sculptures and a play area.
In October, Molina celebrates its International Theatre Festival without curtains or seats. This is because it's the most important regional performance of street, experimental and claiming theatre. Although the festival consists mostly of open air plays, you will also be able to see more traditional ones or those requiring a room in the city pubs or the Villa de Molina Theatre. If you want to undertake a theatrical journey but you can't come during the festival, keep calm and come to any of the debuts the theatre offers throughout the year.
If you want to know in advance what you're going to see during your trip, there isn't a shade of doubt: the white-headed duck -an unusual endangered waterfowl from the wetland of Campotéjar Lagoon- is looking forward to meet you. This natural area is an ornithological paradise where you will enjoy bird-watching and take memorable postcards of large irrigable fields, sensational sunsets and wonderful reflections on the wide water layers of the wetland.
If you want to go deeper into the cuisine of Molina de Segura, you have to follow two steps. Firstly, look for the establishments marked with La Dama -a logotype that represents all the top-quality restaurants supporting local products. And secondly, choose among our traditional dishes: "migas ruleras" (fried bread crumbs with cold meat), "arroz a la huertana" (rice with vegetables), "olla de cerdo" (pork with beans) or "mondongo viudo" (rice, potato, onion, chickpeas and garlic); or try our avant-garde cuisine and enjoy its most sophisticated tastes and mixes offered by the most innovative restaurants... and always with a Mediterranean touch!
The shopping environment of Molina de Segura is unlike any other. The downtown streets are full of shops overflowed with souvenirs you won't be able to resist buying. One of the most suggestive offers for shopping lovers is the market celebrated on Saturday morning in the La Compañía Park. There is a high-quality exhibition of local products and traditions. The Guadalabiad Market -a craft market celebrated on the first Saturday of each month- holds activities and live demonstrations you can't miss. Molina is also known for its fur trade; its main clothes-making and fur sales workshops are located at the city entrance, on the Avenida de la Industria.
In the midst of this industrial scenery, you will be amazed by this natural oasis in the heart of the city: the La Compañía Park (Company Park). This is a combination of green spaces and cultural elements, such as the Park Waterwheel, the Auditorium and the tree-lined avenues like Las Letras. The ground of this amazing boulevard is covered with plates with the names of the main writers of Molina. It was created to honour a successful literary generation known as Autores del Meteorito (Meteorite Authors). Legend has it that their talent is related to the enigmatic radiation produced by the impact of an enormous meteorite in Molina in 1858.
The Albarda Museum is one of the most unusual and original museums of the area. As if it was a XXL Pandora's Box, the museum preserves all those traditions that have governed the locals' daily life since the ancient past. After an introduction about natural environment and anthropology, you will discover probably the flashiest room, containing all sort of things related to magical believes, traditional feasts, natural medicine, games and weather forecasts. This is a nod to some arcane rituals that sometimes are still very important nowadays.
"Show, music, fun... that's what B-Side's groups are". If you are ready to receive an incredible sound shake, you have to come to this festival celebrated in the football pitch Sánchez Cánovas on the second weekend of September. The latest trends of independent, pop and electronic music are waiting for you. You will realize why it has become one of the major events a real festival-goer can't miss. And that's not all; 9 hours of uninterrupted music and great parties are guaranteed.
Like all types of art, golf requires dedication. If you are an amateur golf player, we encourage you to visit the Altorreal Course. After that, you won't be able to stop playing golf! It consists of a natural area, home to more than 20,000 trees, a golf school, all kind of facilities and a wonderful course with 18 holes characterized mainly by its innovative use of water. It's surrounded by semi-desert mountains and it's suitable for players at all levels.